Characters (GO)

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There are a wide variety of characters in the visual novel GameOver that are critical to advancing the overall plot and whose interactions are the primary motivator for the player. The large cast features a wide array of personalities and their occupations are spread out between a couple of primary categories.

Government Officials

These are the people who run the town as a whole, including the mayor and other related staff. They've generally been around for some time and were involved in the original formation of the town, meaning they often are hiding the greatest secrets, knowingly or not.

The characters in this organization include:

  • Sep (the Mayor)
  • Nel (the Secretary)
  • Diakor (the Dragon Sovereign)


With the existence of a Barracks, there is also the need for guards to occupy it and protect the town as a whole. There are a large number of such individuals, though not all of them are available to encounter as of yet and some are very new arrivals to the town itself.

The characters in this regiment include:

  • Garthoz (the Commander)
  • Steel (the Vice-Commander)
  • Ran (the Captain)
  • Iron (the Instructor)
  • Malakar (the Judge and Warden)
  • Geve (the East Gate Guard)
  • Jar (the North Gate Guard)
  • Rigur (the West Gate Guard)
  • Varok (the South Gate Guard)
  • Kubas (the Trainer Guard)
  • Boruk (the Perimeter Guard)
  • Sparky (the South Forest Guard)


The lifeblood of the town is the merchants that make up its primary economic output. There are a variety of common and unique stores throughout the town, offering sundries and odd trinkets alike. The men that run them are also often special individuals themselves.

The characters in this mercantile enterprise include:

Public Faciliters

As a bourgeoning town, there are a variety of public facilities that provide essential services (even if essentiality for some may be questionable). While still not free, they are nonetheless indispensably a part of the town's infrastructure.

The characters in this social benefit include:


The bulk of the rest of the inhabitants of the town outside the transient population are the regular townsfolk, who have a variety of helpful jobs throughout. Often these have to do with other parts of the town, but in more tangential ways.

The characters in this general populace include:


The final group of note in the town are those that are here for more nebulous reasons. This includes the adventurers and mercenaries who are here to fight some demons and make some coin, along with the odd bounty hunter or two.

The characters in this dubious horde include:

  • Crux (the Bounty Hunter)
  • Boris (the Aggressive Mercenary)
  • Azkim (the Controlling Mercenary)
  • Konta (the Adventuring Cook)
  • Burchill (the Pirate Waiter)
  • Evakk (the Devouring Bard)
  • Ethoras (the Cursed Adventurer)