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Created byEthoras
Designed byCursedMarked

Sparky is an incubus guard in the visual novel GameOver. Constantly aroused due to his nature, the incubus takes advantage of your body at every opportunity, including employing his growth stealing abilities. He has one Bad End to discover.


A Lustful Incubus

First introduced by Varok as his new partner that mayor Sep has put him in charge of teaching and controlling so he doesn't misuse his powers,[1] Sparky is a very flirty incubus who is very interested in you. He makes sure to clarify with you that his interest is purely physical and solely in pleasing himself, with the only reason he is in town is because of Harold's research in slimes causing a magical imbalance that made the town more inviting to his people. He is one of the ecosystem correctors that are sent out when something is significantly changed, due to his abilities of merging and absorbing being similar in nature. This includes some form of controllable and moldable black slime he can produce from his body, which he tests out on you.[2] He explains that all incubi can increase lust in those around them naturally, but he's special in that he can use others to grow his body, for now temporarily until he has permission from his superiors to do more. Also, Varok has required that no matter what playtime you both get up to, Sparky isn't allowed to let you relieve yourself.[3]

If you have the mpreg kink unlocked and have spoken with Sep about your connection to Jar and the abilities he's unlocked in you,[4] Sparky will notice your fertile state, looking forward to when you're fully ready and he gets permission from Varok.[5] Having some personal time with the incubus after this requires the musk kink to be unlocked and to have progressed through Kubas' investigation enough to have found out some secrets of the southern forest,[6] whereupon you'll accompany the giant hunk in his patrol of the southern region of the forest, noticing evidence of something or someone else having passed through the area violently. Sparky leaves that up to you to report, however, and instead spends his time riling you up.[7] He enjoyed your time together a lot and wishes he could take you home with him forever, but Varok has banned him from even taking you fully until your mind is strong enough to come back from full exposure to Sparky's pheromones. Longer exposure to the pheromones at lower levels should also help you increase your resistance.[8]

Slimy Breedings

To further play with Sparky, you need the transformation kink, upon which the incubus will use his abilities to lock away your manhood to prevent you from touching yourself. He then uses his abilities to take some of your lower size to add to his own and punishes you with his body.[9] He teases you about potentially having kept a few inches afterwards and suggests you two have a sparring match in the gym sometime with your behind versus his appendage.[10] The next patrol has him feeling around inside of you, wanting you to be loud with the chance other patrolling guards, like Geve, might overhear.[11] He comments after that it's a shame he can't actually put his fingers inside of you, prompting you to realize it must have been his black slime that was being used. And the slimes themselves are still alive and occasionally rambunctious.[12]

Once you've messed around with the incubus three times, the fourth encounter will have Sparky realize you're ready to be impregnated, prompting him to fulfill that need. Strangely however, you wake up not in Oscar's Healer's Office to give birth, but in Harold's lab, where you produce black slime children instead.[13] Sparky mocks you a little for thinking he was the one to actually give you children, pointing out that he's not allowed to do that until you're able to resist his pheromones. And probably for the foreseeable future, since Varok won't allow him to do otherwise until the demon's plans for the town come to fruition, as the incubus is bound by his own contract.[14] The only exception would be if your mind is broken due to exposure to him and, if you've become his vassal,[15] Diakor points out that you're able to go through such a scenario and return to the present after thanks to your curse. Also, he wants to figure out how to have you retain your children across timelines, so he needs the practice of having such bad ends happen to you.[14]

After you've spoken with Harold about your experiences breeding slimes[16] and are looking for information on a proper breeding nest for slimes from him,[17] you can question Sparky about the subject. He simply says that you're the perfect breeding nest, since you'll induce mutations in the slime eggs due to the corruption in your demon-formed womb.[18] Once you've played with him three times and had his slime children[13] Sparky will give you a surprise, using his slimes to transform you into being permanently bound to his genitals.[19] This will result in an unavoidable bad end scenario where you remain connected to him forever.[20] Returning in time and after having spoken to Varok about changes to your demon's mark from him,[21], Sparky will notice that you now have his mark as well, despite him never giving it to you. Varok, while speaking through you thanks to his now full control, will say he's looking into it, but gives Sparky permission to have his way with you fully and to let you meet "him".[22]

His Other Half

Heading over to the library will reveal the secret Sparky was keeping from you, that he's really a two in one being, with the incubus half being something of a possession of the body. But the original human half is still there and still mentally and physically involved in everything his incubus was doing with you. While he feels like he knows you because of that, things are still a little awkward and he admits that he's dominant, but much more personal than his demonic partner.[23] Human Sparky explains that Varok has had him studying up on the spirits that reside in the local area, with the aim of having buildings honoring them erected. While the effects of the spirits can be felt even by non-magically attuned people, the lack of a corporeal form makes them invisible to most. Having buildings act as their spiritual homes will allow them to manifest inside more readily. Since the growing town with its myriad of activities, both magical and not, will spontaneously cause spirits, both common elemental ones and more rare kinds, to form, there needs to be some way to contain and control them. Particularly the ones that might end up acting maliciously if left to their own devices.[24]

He next discusses his personal magical theories with you, such as that he believes rather than just a consequence of people's activities, he feels like the manifestation of more spirits in a crowded human environment is an environmental response from the planet to try and bring order through the elements from the chaos of complexity that is human populations. Even something as simple as a forge uses a myriad of different elements for the work and, in the past, spirits that awoke from such fusions of elements were destructive and dangerous. So, while it may be the land's way of trying to heal itself, it's not exactly the preferred outcome.[25] Human Sparky finds it strangely comfortable to be around you, something that wasn't the case for his incubus half's past "toys". He wonders if he's met you before he was possessed, to engender such familiarity, but he decides not to worry about it.[26]

A Corruptive Relationship

So long as you've unlocked the inflation kink, human Sparky will let you be his stress relief so he can focus on his research. You'll have the option for him to take your front[27] or your behind,[28] with judicious use of his slimy tentacles to keep your restrained, among other things. He'll compliment your skills afterwards and contemplate keeping your trussed up at his house for his own purposes.[29] Another conversation about your backside's prowess will distract you with his body, leading to you agreeing to something you didn't quite hear. But it apparently counts as a date.[30] Speaking with incubus Sparky about your fun times with his human half will reveal that those tentacles were fully in control of incubus Sparky the entire time. He considers the activity training you for later fun times.[31] The opposite option for fun times will have him comment on how well trained and broken in your body seems to be already, though he and Varok still don't know how that happened. But he enjoys having a toy that can still talk and think around him, which is unusual for mortals.[32]

You have the option next time to instead hang out with human Sparky and go for a walk to Azlos' shop. It would have been a nice time, if not for the influence of a certain incubus' slimy limbs pushing you into Sparky's side and, with his human half unaware outside of your nice cuddle walk, violating you repeatedly. Human Sparky hopes you both can have a good relationship with each other without you just becoming a brainless toy, but it's unclear if the incubus wants the same thing.[33] He reiterates this desire for more companionship, even if it's going to be a sexual relationship, and also wonders why he feels so close to your as a person.[34] Incubus Sparky tells you he hopes you enjoyed the fun he had with you on your date, though wants you against telling his human half, who would be heartbroken that you weren't feeling a real closer connection with him, but an instigated one. He also continues to wonder about where the familiarity and marks came from, while Varok informs you he's given Sparky and Jar permission to do more with you, though they still aren't allowed to directly have children with you yet due to their contracts.[35]

Your second hangout just has human Sparky continue to read his research, but with you tightly against his side. The incubus, however, again has other plans, secretly messing with your body and keeping you quiet while he does so. You are too blissed out to even really try and reveal his illicit activities though. If you don't have the musk kink unlocked, then you'll find yourself forced to distract human Sparky by attacking his chest.[36] If you do have the kink, then you'll instead be forced into his armpit to distract him slightly differently.[37] He says he enjoyed the attention afterwards, though wonders why he didn't feel the need to take things further, and you internally speculate that it's because his incubus half was already fulfilling that urge.[38] He's also surprised you're attracted to his smell, since others are normally addicted to him in that direct manner. He likes the idea of you worshipping his body though, as do you.[39]


  1. Varok Talk 11
  2. Sparky Talk 1
  3. Sparky Talk 2
  4. Sep Talk 11
  5. Sparky Talk 3
  6. Kubas Investigation 2 Scene 1
  7. Sparky Play 1
  8. Sparky Talk 4
  9. Sparky Play 2
  10. Sparky Talk 5
  11. Sparky Play 3
  12. Sparky Talk 6
  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 Sparky Mpreg 1
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 Sparky Talk 7
  15. Diakor Talk 2
  16. Harold Talk 17
  17. Harold Talk 23
  18. Sparky Talk 8
  19. Sparky Play 4
  20. Sparky Gameover 1 - Lust
  21. Varok Talk 18
  22. Sparky Talk 9
  23. Sparky Library First Time Meeting
  24. Sparky Library Talk 1
  25. Sparky Library Talk 2
  26. Sparky Library Talk 3
  27. Sparky Library Play 1
  28. Sparky Library Play 2
  29. Sparky Library Talk 4
  30. Sparky Library Talk 5
  31. Sparky Talk 10
  32. Sparky Talk 11
  33. Sparky Library Hangout 1
  34. Sparky Library Talk 6
  35. Sparky Talk 12
  36. Sparky Library Hangout 2 Scene 1
  37. Sparky Library Hangout 2 Scene 2
  38. Sparky Library Talk 7
  39. Sparky Library Talk 8