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Azlos bust.png
Created byAzulookami
Designed byCursedMarked

Azlos is the wolf potion shop owner in the visual novel GameOver. He supplies the potions required to access most of the town's content by unlocking certain kinks for the player to be interested in. Also, health potions and other general luxuries are offered. He has one Bad End to discover.


As a mysterious shopkeep, little information is given about Azlos' background or family. He is extremely blunt and will get annoyed if bothered with unneeded disturbances. Though he can also be extremely kind, supportive, and affectionate once he gets to know someone. At the same time, he has a level of professional detachment that leads him to warn you about dangers, but it remains up to you to avoid them. But he does impart more concern and detail to those he cares about.[1]


Becoming The Bestest Boy

Upon your first visit to the store, Azlos will introduce himself and his wares. He's heard of you already and looks forward to your frequent usage of his items.[2] Next you speak, he'll ask a favor and give you a quest to go and speak to the chef Reynard to remind him to visit the wolf to tell about his results after finishing his experiment.[3] Returning to Azlos after doing so will result in him trusting you more and allowing you to undertake other work with him.[4] Afterwards, he will allow you to do guard work for him, but will require that you are have the transformation kink unlocked as he desired to transform you into a guard dog during your working hours.[5] Sometimes the store will be quite empty and not much will happen, though you enjoy the pets you've been getting.[6] In another instance, a cloaked mysterious figure may enter the shop, whom you might recognize if you met him while working for Garius,[7] but they don't end up buying anything.[8]

A new shipment of potions might arrive as well and Azlos will leave you to guard the store while he collects them. The massive store does make you wonder why no actual town guards are stationed here.[9] Questioning him on why he doesn't have any proper guards, Azlos responds that he has his own precautions, but refuses to elaborate until he knows you better.[10] Be careful while working for Azlos that you don't wear yourself out while being transformed or he may decide to keep you, so long as you have the mpreg kink unlocked, and turn you into his desired mate.[11] Speaking with Azlos after hearing Vince's theory about the mist and how you arrived in the town along with the second unknown traveler will further advance the quest and Azlos will determine that testing the theory is possible thanks to him being able to recreate the mist with his spell scrolls.[12]

Charming The Shop Owner

After having gotten a bit too close with him[11] and having gotten close with the mayor[13] and his secretary[14][15], your next guard duty will have the wolf note that he seems unusually attracted to you, expressed in the form of excess petting, and he can't figure out why.[16]. This will lead to him trusting you further and allow you to undertake deliveries for him.[17] He'll also wonder how the town has been treating you and suggests you take the time to get to know everyone more.[1] The next time you do guard work, you will instead be sent to deliver a package to the mayor's secretary[18] and Azlos will talk with you after on how close you're getting with said secretary, suggesting you speak with Varok if you want to break the otter's silence.[19] Further guarding work will result in Azlos being quite a bit more friendly with you in a lewd manner.[20] You also love getting pets from those that visit the shop, but none of that is the same as when Azlos gives you attention.[21]

Delivery Boy About Town

Giving you a map to help you get around, you do some general deliveries for your first time out in the world as a delivery boy.[22] Another trip will see you delivering a package to Reynard, who coyly won't tell you what's in it, but does let you know that Azlos is quite forward in using his mouth to get the cook's jabbering conversations to stop.[23] After meeting Vic,[24] you can receive a delivery to give to him, with the usual teasing at your expense, and he also won't tell you what's in the box.[25] If you've experienced a permanent end with the construction worker variant of Bjorn,[26] you'll be sent off on a delivery to the construction area and find they've already completed construction on a new building, the Healer's Office. Your deliveree turns out to be the newly hired town healer, Oscar, who is happy to see that Azlos has close friends in town that he trusts to make deliveries.[27]

After having spoken to Vandeel about his strange growing problem and having him admit to wanting to do more sexual things in public with you,[28] you deliver a small box to the Blacksmith's and Vince notes that there's been several small boxes delivered lately. Vandeel isn't around though, as he's out on one of his "excursions", but Vince will make sure he gets the delivery.[29] If you've experienced being made a permanent addition to Nel's room so he can take care of you,[30] you can find yourself on a trip to the Healer's Office once more, surprisingly finding Nel there manning the front desk. He freaks out, thinking you're injured, and rushes to get Oscar. Embarrassed at his mistake after you've corrected Nel, Oscar tries to get Nel to cheer up.[31]

Having advanced to Harold's next level of testing,[32] it seems he's advancing on his next spellwork and looks forward to enjoying his time with you in the future.[33] Another day, another trip to the Healer's Office, though with no Nel in sight this time. It seems the office will officially be opening and Oscar recommends you come around to get a checkup. He also informs you that Nel will be properly working here, taking a break from being the Mayor's secretary.[34] A delivery to Vince himself has you run into Vandeel instead. While he tries propositioning you, you pass over the package and, from his comments, it seems to be some sort of sexual aid. From the sounds of things, the two of them also do stuff together.[35]

Once you'd made progress with Shlar and Dirk in your desire to work with the centaurs,[36] Azlos will offer his help in allowing you to communicate with the beasts.[37] If you met Bruax,[38] Azlos will have his own commentary on the "gentle giant", noting that he has two centaurs that used to help him at his shop, with him having previously used his communication potion himself to speak with them.[39] In order to meet the knowledgeable person on the strange time looping curse you've been facing, you'll need to get permission from Ran to do so[40] and be close enough to Sep personally.[41] Additionally, you'll have to have been wife to Azlos in an alternative timeline for him to trust you enough and have the mpreg kink unlocked. Then, Azlos will be amiable toward introducing you to his colleague who has a sudden interest in you.[42]

Managing The Store

Opening up Azlos to allowing you further responsibilities requires you to show your capability about town. In addition to have gotten his help with the centaurs,[39] having been introduced to Diakor,[42] and having had a full life with the wolf,[11] you also need to have met Oscar[43] and have progressed with working for Rutherfurd.[44] You will then be allowed a promotion to a more involved job at the Item Shop, though sadly not with a pay increase. Just like at the Clothing Shop, you've be asked to do cleaning and restocking, meaning you'll have to familiarize yourself with the alchemical offerings found in the back rooms. Azlos also offers to teach you alchemy as a compensation, though that in itself might be demanding on your physical body.[45] He introduces you to his storeroom and his meticulously kept ledgers on orders and requests to adventurers for supplies he needs. Surprisingly, after working for a while, you find yourself strangely drained of energy, as if the work was far more taxing than it seems like it should be. Azlos makes you some invigorating tea though and you're instantly back in shape.[46] He thanks you for your help and mentions the increasing amount of work due to the town growing in size.[47]

Further working scenes require specific prior events to be able to go through them in order. The first requires having spoken with Varok about your demon's mark having been altered,[48] whereupon the demon will use your body to speak directly to Azlos about a needed potion delivery. The shopkeep will be surprised that you've managed to get Varok's mark so deeply ingrained into you in such a short amount of time and concludes that if Varok trusts you that much, then you must be one of the most trustworthy people in town.[49] He's still curious about your relationship, but this gets put to the side when you suddenly collapse and wake up later in your room.[50] If you've become Diakor's vassal[51] and messed around with him,[52] he'll be very interested in the items in Azlos' storeroom and bug you to look closer at all of them. When questioning his desires, he thinks about making you an oracle for his will, but decides he needs a more settled adventurer to do it and wonders about making someone become his prophet.[53] Diakor explains your unique properties and his particular motherly designs about you to Azlos and the Sovereign mentions that he knows about what the wolf is plotting.[54]

The next scene has no requirements and involves Shlar arriving to pick up some items to help control the centaurs and their pheromones better. He wonders about making a more long term solution to the problem in the future.[55] Azlos mentions that you seem close to Shlar and points out that his personal method of training centaurs wouldn't work with a pack of them like Shlar and Dirk manage to. He won't ask what exactly you've been doing with any of them, but hopes you'll manage to keep your head clear of the centaurs' influence.[56] Lastly, if you've made a deal with Jar to be able to have children with his powers[57] and have experienced a particular permanent end him,[58] Jar will arrive at the shop, wondering why you haven't had relations yet with Azlos' centaur or with his two cerberos hounds. No worries though, he'll take care of it so you'll be able to get even closer to Azlos.[59] After your fainting spell during a previous talk,[50] Azlos offers you a fortifying leaf and explains that his examination of your body found nothing that stood out as wrong. But he wants to keep an eye on you, so suggests going for a walk with him while he observes your mana flow. And you could become proper friends in the process.[60]

Alchemical Knowledge and Intimacy

Your alchemy lessons will begin after each of your second alchemical work events[61] and the first involves learning a bit more about local plants and their potential uses in Reynard's cooking as well. He has you drink the concoction, finding that it heats up your body and makes you crave something sweet.[62] Also, if you ever need any plants identified, he's available for the task.[63] To continue with your lessons after this talk, you will need to spend some personal time with Azlos. Hanging out with him has you pressed close to his side and his cape is very obscuring of your path. He holds your hands as you stroll through town and you lose yourself in being close to his body, before finding that you're both already back to the shop.[64] Your second walkabout has you travel through the nearby forest, where Azlos explains that the fiends in and out of the town actually are important for improving the growth of the world. Hence why things have been growing so much around the town, but the demons are also affected by the things they absorb to regulate the world's mana flow. Though there are other factors as well, such as the influence of the Sovereign and even the mana slime work that Harold is researching.[65] Your last excursion has Azlos invite you to go swimming in the river, full skinny-dipping. He helps you stay afloat against his body and tells you about how much you mean to him.[66]

After all your fun out and about, your second alchemy training session will be available after work, where Azlos teaches you how to make base solutions for potions. He also teaches you quite closely, pressing himself against you, resulting in his asking after your lesson if you'd like to join him in his room.[67] For this first time, he has you take care of him with your mouth, though things get a bit rough at your purposeful instigation.[68] He lets you rest in the room when you awaken, though with some wistful desire he doesn't explain.[69] He also apologizes for suddenly forcing himself on you while teaching you alchemy and says he will find a gift to make up for it.[70] He is also thinking about putting out a notice at the Barracks to have someone be hired to watch his shop so he can have more free time for other pursuits.[71] The next alchemy lesson will have him telling you about the different ways to use ingredients, though will hint at none of this being enough for a proper research lab, but he won't explain further.[72] This time in his room, he takes you fully and roughly once more, with both of you wishing that he would successfully get you with child.[73] He helps you heal in the morning and makes you wish you could just lay there with him in bed.[74] You're informed the next day that nothing of his took, which makes you somewhat sad and strangely asks if you like giving your size to another, but doesn't elaborate.[75] In relation to his lesson on uses of ingredients, he does ask how good your cooking skills are and is curious about trying one of your dishes in the future.[76]

The final alchemy lesson has him teaching you about how to dispose of potions that were made incorrectly and how to dissolve their effects to make them just into water. He also decides that he wants to please you in the bedroom this time.[77] Though he finds some creative and kinky magical methods to do so that leave you breathless, but also confused on what he did. Not that you're complaining.[78] He has you rest with him longer in the morning, as your body is worn out due to him not being experienced with the spell just yet. But you'll both have much more time to practice in the future.[79] Azlos tells you that the spell should have made you feel like a part of something more, but he's unsure if he did it right. He might need to consult with an expert and also have you go through further temporary changes so your body is more used to it.[80] He asks you after the last lesson if you'd like to properly be his alchemical apprentice and to help him with his other types of testing.[81]

Once you've spoken with Shlar about the plan to camp out stealthily in the forest to find the naga,[82] along with having become Diakor's vassal[51] and having met Bruax[38] you'll ask Azlos for a potion that will help with stealth. He'll come up with a potion for you and a spell scroll for Shlar that will keep him invisible so long as you're inside him to provide magic power.[83]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Azlos Talk 4
  2. Azlos First Time Meeting
  3. Azlos Talk 1
  4. Azlos Talk 1 Part 2
  5. Azlos Guard Work 1
  6. Azlos Guard Work 1 Scene 1
  7. Garius Work 2
  8. Azlos Guard Work 1 Scene 2
  9. Azlos Guard Work 1 Scene 3
  10. Azlos Talk 2
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 11.2 Azlos Gameover 1 - HP
  12. Azlos Vince's Theory 1
  13. Sep Talk 4
  14. Nel Talk 1
  15. Nel Gameover by Lust
  16. Azlos Guard Work 2
  17. Azlos Talk 3
  18. Azlos Guard Work 3
  19. Azlos Talk 5
  20. Azlos Guard Work 4
  21. Azlos Guard Work 5
  22. Azlos Delivery Work 1
  23. Azlos Delivery Work 2
  24. Vic First Time Meeting
  25. Azlos Delivery Work 3
  26. Bjorn Gameover 2 - Lust
  27. Azlos Delivery Work 4
  28. Vandeel Talk 6
  29. Azlos Delivery Work 5
  30. Nel Gameover 1 - Lust
  31. Azlos Delivery Work 6
  32. Harold Talk 6
  33. Azlos Delivery Work 7
  34. Azlos Delivery Work 8
  35. Azlos Delivery Work 9
  36. Shlar Talk 3
  37. Azlos Talk 6
  38. Jump up to: 38.0 38.1 Bruax First Meeting
  39. Jump up to: 39.0 39.1 Azlos Talk 7
  40. Ran Commands 5
  41. Sep Talk 10
  42. Jump up to: 42.0 42.1 Azlos Talk 8
  43. Oscar First Time Meeting
  44. Rutherfurd Talk 10
  45. Azlos Talk 9
  46. Azlos Alchemy Work 1
  47. Azlos Talk 10
  48. Varok Talk 18
  49. Azlos Alchemy Work 2 Scene 1
  50. Jump up to: 50.0 50.1 Azlos Talk 11
  51. Jump up to: 51.0 51.1 Diakor Talk 2
  52. Diakor Talk 6
  53. Azlos Alchemy Work 2 Scene 2
  54. Azlos Talk 12
  55. Azlos Alchemy Work 2 Scene 3
  56. Azlos Talk 13
  57. Jar Talk 10
  58. Jar Gameover 6
  59. Azlos Alchemy Work 2 Scene 4
  60. Azlos Talk 14
  61. Azlos Alchemy Work 2 Scenes 1-4
  62. Azlos Alchemy Training 1
  63. Azlos Talk 15
  64. Azlos Hangout 1
  65. Azlos Hangout 2
  66. Azlos Hangout 3
  67. Azlos Alchemy Training 2
  68. Azlos Sleep 1
  69. Azlos Wake Up 1
  70. Azlos Talk 16
  71. Azlos Talk 19
  72. Azlos Alchemy Training 3
  73. Azlos Sleep 2
  74. Azlos Wake Up 2
  75. Azlos Talk 20
  76. Azlos Talk 17
  77. Azlos Alchemy Training 4
  78. Azlos Sleep 3
  79. Azlos Wake Up 3
  80. Azlos Talk 21
  81. Azlos Talk 18
  82. Shlar Talk 10
  83. Azlos Talk 22